Compose a 1750 words assignment on sacrifice is a part of life. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1750 words assignment on sacrifice is a part of life. Needs to be plagiarism free! Despite there might be manifold opinions on the matter, such as unconventional understanding of sacrifice as a result of the struggle of primal impulses i.e. balancing between selfishness and benefaction (Desar 2013), there is still a preconceived idea about the sacrifice as of summum bonum, the highest good.

As we all know from the novel, the protagonist called Eddie executes a classical sacrifice: he saves a little girl’s life losing his own. Although this particular episode does not represent the core of the entire novel being nothing but a turning point of the plot, it serves as a perfect example of what we call giving up something valued for the cause. It would be rather a decision without much foresight of us to say that was the one and only sacrifice made in the novel. It seems an evident author’s intention in showing that another person to sacrifice his own life for the sake of saving somebody else’s is Eddie’s father who saves Mickey’s life after an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Captain’s deed shows how worthy and lofty the cause may be as saving the lives of his soldiers for the cost of his own life obviously is a genuine sacrifice and thus requires no justification as relatively opposed to Eddie’s. Eddie being indirectly involved in the death of young Tala eventually atones for the crime, or to be more correct, to the sin. Not surprisingly it turns out that we operate with merely religious terms. The category of lofty matters does call for it. sacrifice is a matter of mind in a spiritual sense rather than psychological motivation or whatever in sense of rationality, which would require scientific terms. Redemption and sacrifice are undoubtedly among the principal concepts to be encountered throughout the novel.

As it was mentioned before, sacrifice is accepted as an exceptional phenomenon in society since it originates in unusual to human nature aspiration for benefiting others to the detriment of self. A rather important remark to be made, selflessness is often claimed as an alternative name for sacrifice, thus partially explaining its deep-rooted&nbsp.psychological motivation. The existence of sacrifice is likely to be sustained by valid unwritten ethic rules and to a certain extent by virtues prescribed by a gargantuan number of religions throughout the world.