Compose a 250 words assignment on graffiti and cave art. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 250 words assignment on graffiti and cave art. Needs to be plagiarism free! Graffiti and Cave Art Graffiti resembles modern-day cave paintings as both have symbolic meanings. Understanding cave paintings especially the ones with symbolism is quite difficult just as in graffiti paintings. Cave paintings cannot be compared to graffiti since the paintings, and drawings are in places not easily accessible by humans. No one can just sneak into such places such as dark caves to paint simply for fun or pass time. There must be some meaning of the painting, and the painters must have put a considerable amount of time and energy to paint. Cave paintings cannot be the work of somebody bored on a sunny day, but the painter was driven by a powerful force to spread a certain message into the dark caves to paint. Graffiti can be used today to give messages to the public concerning culture and the society issues (Lesko, 2015). For instance if someone wanted to notify people of a cultural event somewhere, graffiti can work if the painting or drawing is in an open place where the public can view them. Some criminals make use of graffiti to scare the public some in very tall billboards. Some also use graffiti to deface posters, billboards, and other individuals’ artwork. Others use it to communicate a certain message to a group of people such as fighting corruption, violence, demanding for human rights, or warnings against drug use and many more.

Cave paintings are ancient and rare to find and are more treasured compared to modern day paintings. Cave paintings had meanings especially recording events and places in which activities took place. Graffiti does not need to have any meaning although all are done on the walls or public places.

For something to be considered as a piece of art, the artist must intend to do it. Someone does not need to acknowledge a piece of art for it to become one, but the intention of the artist in creating is the one that matters.

Writing on walls is an essential aspect of human beings from the earliest time as they express their ideas and feelings. Nowadays many of graffiti work is for vandalism purposes as many cases have been reported of people scribbling on their enemies billboards, toilets, and posters, especially in public places (Lesko, 2015). A common scenario is on campaign posters in which the candidates vandalize their opponents campaign posters by scribbling on them or distorting the figures and writings on them.


Lesko, L. (2015). The Art of Graffiti as Inner-City Communication and as a means of Public Literacy. Rediscovering LA is a collection of final project essays written by English 698D students at California State University, Northridge, in the spring semester of 2015., 185.