Computer Science Homework Help

University of California Berkeley Blockchain Methodology Plan Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to identify potential gaps in  the literature and develop a plan for conducting research using either a  quantitative or qualitative research methodology. Please review the  Methodology Grading Rubric:            Methodology Plan Rubric.docx       The assignment requires the following:      1. Review the Creswell Chapters (#8 or #9) depending on the  research methodology you are choosing for the research based on the  research which began during residency.      2. Develop a methodology plan based on the Methodology Plan  Rubric categories (link is above) and your chosen topic of research from  residency.      3. Submit the Methodology Plan by the due date.                       This  week, students will learn more about the two main research methods  (quantitative and qualitative) and develop a research methodology  plan.      By the end of this week, students should be able to:   

  1. Analyze the methodology requirements using either the quantitative or qualitative research methods.
  2. Develop a methodology plan for the current research which began during residency.
  3. Readings:   1. Creswell & Creswell: Chapter #8: Quantitative Methods     OR Creswell & Creswell Ch. #9: Qualitative Methods        Note:  Only need to review one of the above chapters based on the research  method the student chooses to use in their methodology plan for the  research assignment which began during residency.