Computer Science Homework Help

CSIS 165 Grossmont College Aspect of Decoders and Multiplexers Responses


You should have a initial post and reply two students

Please respond to the following prompts in the Reply box shown below.

  1. Describe the most interesting thing you learned in Chapter 6: MIPSzy Processor Design. (20 points)
  2. Write/ask a question that you have about any topic in Chapter 6. The question can be a question you know the answer to or don’t know. (20 points)
  3. Answer the question in your own words the best you can. (20 points)
  4. Reply to at least two or more of your classmates’ initial posts and answer their question in your own words. (20 points)
  5. Reply to at least one or more of your classmate’s reply to your question with another question or comment. (20 points)
  6. (Optional) Create a short video to answer the questions above; include the video link in your reply.