Computer Science Homework Help

Lamar University Data Analytics and Data Mining Discussion


There is much discussion regarding Data Analytics and Data Mining.  Sometimes these terms are used synonymously but there is a difference.  What is the difference between Data Analytics vs Data Mining? Please provide an example of how each is used. Also explain how you may use data analytics and data mining in a future career. 

PEER Response

In other words, data mining for organizations such as amazon would be looking at items purchased and similar data to identify a pattern. This way the online sales giant can effectively make recommendations on what a consumer may be interested in purchasing. Likewise, Netflix looks at what consumers are watching to make suggestions on what to watch next. Data analytics still looks at data as the name implies, but data analytics is examining data sets to find trends and conclusions about the information.(J)

Data Analytics is a superset of data mining and both analytics and mining are subsets of business intelligence (Pedamkar, 2021). Data analytics is an approach that involves collecting data, data processing, analyzing, and visualizing for insights. Analytics requires a combination of statistical techniques, data processing software, and programming capabilities to explore the data in finding the insights and visualize the data(K)