Computer Science Homework Help

LU Computer Science Discussion


  • In a Word document, in 300 words or more, describe how you would implement a menu for this system. For example, would you use the same menu on the dashboard and on all of the different screens or a different menu on each screen? Would you use pop-up menus? Would you make all options on every menu available to all users?
  • In the same Word document, draw mock-ups of how each menu will appear. You may use a drawing tool (such as Paint, Photoshop or Illustrator) or even a hand-drawn picture that you scan into a Word document. You do not have to reproduce how you envision the screen to look – only the menus that appear on the screen(s). You may or may not decide to put a menu on each screen, but on whichever screens you desire a menu, draw a mock-up of that menu for that screen.