Computer Science Homework Help

Troy University Java Code Vegetable Shop Program


Help me study for my Computer Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

i need help with the coding of this program as a small vegetable shop that sells the following vegetables and the numbers next to it is the price per lb for those vegetables. so the code should be able to display the vegetables and user should be able to choose multiple vegetables and after that how many quantyity in lbs of those choosen vegetables is wanted by customer should be asked and after taking that input the output should be displayed as given below

“potato” 5
“Onion” 6
“Chilli” 4
“Tomato” 2
“Carrot” 8
“Cucumber” 10
“Capsicum” 20
How many veg you wana purchase -4
Veg name
Calculate Price –>5*4 =20
4 LB Potato price is =20
2 LB Totato price is =4
5 LB Capsicum price is =100
3 LB Chilli price is = 12
Your total bill is = 136
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