Computer Science Homework Help

Atlanta Metropolitan College Create a Program Code Computer Programming Task


To complete this project, you must submit the following URLs using the attached Project One Guide:

API URL / Endpoint: This is the backend of the project running.

S3 URL / Endpoint: This is the project fully running.

It was for assignment 5-2…

Here is the only other instructions I have from the teacher:Specifically, your web application must demonstrate your ability to do the following:Frontend: Establish an S3 server to host a static Angular website.Prepare the client-side and web server setup, and apply the principles of serverless web hosting by moving frontend-Angular to the cloud.Prepare S3 storage buckets and objects and IAM security settings.Now that you have created your containers, you can see there are benefits and pitfalls to this approach. Your director wants to ensure that your site is elastic, is secure, can process data quickly, and can keep up with the amount of traffic and transactions as the number of customers increases. Her thought is to utilize more AWS products and move the frontend to S3, a serverless solution.You will be running your application in a serverless environment using a cloud-based database solution and detaching the Angular frontend and running it in the cloud, removing the need for the original server.Backend and API: Migrate all of the server-side business logic.Demonstrate how Lambda containers can be used to distribute functionality in a serverless environment.Migrate all of the server-side business logic; apply principles of serverless API by writing code.Establish IAM security policy updates to protect the website and database.Change the API Gateway to connect the Lambdas.As you explore native cloud services you will discover best practices that simplify the work of a developer, leaving them focused on developing rather than continuously working on maintaining the existing infrastructure.In the final phase, you will deconstruct the full stack application APIs and turn them into microservices, making them fully cloud-native applications. This involves adding CRUD functionality and API Gateway using Lambdas to eliminate the need for the original MEAN server.

> git clone… lafs-weband > git clone… lads-apiI believe the link for the api was incorrect. Is this what could be missing bro?