Computer Science homework help
Computer Science homework help. Project 2:
You Were so Preoccupied with Whether You Could,
You Didn’t Stop to Think if You Should1
Due date: Milestone 1 submitted to Zybooks by 11:59PM April 3. Milestone 2 submitted to DropBox on
BeachBoard by 11:59 PM April 12.
In this project, you will develop an application that allows a geneticist to compare two strands of DNA for
DNA Similarity
Scientists measure how closely related two species are by looking at the DNA sequences for key proteins and
seeing how similar or dissimilar they are. The process of sequence alignment arranges two or more DNA
sequences so that corresponding nucleotides in the sequences can be compared; the more nucleotides that
match between the sequences, the closer we say the two sequences are evolutionarily.
Consider the two strings of DNA below, where matching nucleotides are underlined:
We would say that these two DNA sequences have 6 matching positions and 4 mismatches, perhaps suggesting that the two species are not closely related. Every corresponding position that are equal is a match,
and all others are mismatches.
Of course, DNA changes over time with reproduction and evolution, and so even two very similar species
may have mis-matched DNA sequences due to the random insertion, removal, or mutation of one nucleotide.
If a scientist supposes that these two species are more closely related than it appears, they can change the
alignment of the two DNA sequences by inserting an indel, which is a placeholder that represents some
missing nucleotide, and is always counted as a mismatch. Playing with alignments can reveal that two
species are actually very closely related despite initial appearances.
Reconsider the two species from before. A scientist places an indel (shown as a dash (-)) at the end of
Species 1, and at character position 3 (using the biology standard of starting at position 1, not the computing standard of starting at 0) in Species 2. Check out the alignment now:
Only two mismatches in the sequences! Our scientist could use this as evidence that a single change occurred
in each species’ DNA sequence for this protein, and that change accounts for the dierences in the expression
of that protein in each species.
While complex algorithms exist to do sequence alignment, it is also useful to allow a researcher to perform
alignments by hand.
Positions vs. indexes:
In this document, the words position and index both refer to one particular spot in a string; when
index is used, it is implied to be 0-based (rst character is index 0), whereas when position is used, the
1This assignment is based on the work of Bill Punch and Richard Enbody at Michigan State University. CC BY-SA.
implication is 1-based (rst character is at position 1).
Overall Goal
The overal goal for this project is to allow a user to enter two DNA sequence strings. The program will then
enter a main menu loop where the user will be given many options to manipulate the two strings. One
option will add an indel to a string, another will remove it. A third option will print a similarity score for
the two strings, summarizing how many positions were matching. A fourth option will suggest where to add
an indel to maximize the number of matches.
As in the previous project, you will develop your solution in two milestones. The menu itself will be part
of Milestone 2; in Milestone 1 you will work on gathering input and scoring the similarity of those inputs.
You will break your solution into functions dened below, and test cases will make sure you follow the
requirements of each function, as well as the overall application itself.
Milestone 1
The rst milestone will not be demoed to your TA; all you have to do is submit to Zybooks and pass
all the test cases to get credit, which is worth 40% of the overall project grade. The second milestone will
be submitted to DropBox on BeachBoard; the remaining 60% of the overall grade will be based on private
test cases and a rubric that will be evaluated by a grader.
For the rst milestone, write a Python program that performs the following:
1. Prompt the user to input two DNA sequence strings. You can assume the sequences consist only of
the letters A, T, C, and G, but they do not have to be the same length.
2. If one string is shorter than the other, the shorter string needs to be padded with indels at the end,
so the strings end up the same length. Do so, and include the indels whenever you would print the
3. Score the similarity of the two strings.
(a) Print each sequence on its own line, except that any matching positions in the sequences are
printed in lowercase, and any mismatching positions are printed in uppercase.
(b) Then calculate and print the number of matching positions, the number of mismatching
positions, and the overall match percentage. Print the percentage rounded to 1 decimal point
4. Prompt the user to input a position in the rst string, where position 1 is the rst character (index 0 ).
Insert an indel into the rst string at that position, and then pad the second string with one additional
indel so their lengths match once again.
5. Score the two modied strings and print as in step 4.
6. End the program.
To implement this program, you must write and use the following functions:
• pad_with_indels(sequence, num): takes the given string sequence and adds num copies of the indel
character – to the end of the string, then returns the new string.
Example: pad_with_indels(ABC, 2) returns ABC–.
• insert_indel(sequence, index): given an index starting from 0, takes the string sequence and
returns a new string where an indel has been added to the sequence at the given index, pushing all
the remaining characters one index to the right. If index is equal to the length of the string, an indel
is inserted at the end of the sequence.
Example: insert_indel(ABC, 2)returns AB-C. insert_indel(ABC, 3) returns ABC-.
Note: the user will enter a position which starts from 1; you must take their input and translate it
to an index starting from 0.
• count_matches(sequence1, sequence2): given two strings of the same length, counts and returns
the number of indexes in the strings that are equal, except that an indel is never equal to anything.
Example: count_matches(ABC, ACC) returns 2. count_matches(A-C-, ABC-) returns 2.
• main block: this is where you will drive the application as described in the 7 steps above. All input
will be gathered in the main, and all output will be done here as well. (No input or printing in
the other functions listed above.) You may assume that all inputs are valid, both their type and
their ranges, e.g., an indel position for step #5 will always be an integer between 1 and the length of
the string plus one.
• You may write your own functions as necessary; one particularly useful function could be to print the
sequences in the uppercase/lowercase pattern. Ask your TA!
Your program must match the spelling, grammar, and formatting of the Example Output below exactly.
The test cases will reject submissions that do not.
Milestone 2
Milestone 2 will expand upon the basic program built in Milestone 1 to include a menu for repeatedly
inserting and removing indels. You will also write a function to suggest an indel position for maximizing
matches. Your program should be programmed to:
1. Prompt the user to input two DNA sequence strings, as in Milestone 1. Pad the shorter string with
2. Print both sequences, as in Milestone 1.
3. Print a menu to the screen (see Example Output).
4. Read the user’s menu choice as input. Validate this input as being a valid menu option, and repeatedly
ask for a menu option until it is valid.
5. Execute the appropriate menu option depending on the user’s choice:
(a) Insert an indel:
i. Ask the user to select Sequence 1 or Sequence 2. Read their integer input and validate it as
being the value 1 or 2.
ii. Ask the user to input a position within their selected sequence. Read their integer input and
validate it as being between 1 and the length of the selected sequence plus one inclusive.
iii. Insert an indel into the sequence using insert_indel. The returned value replaces the original
sequence string from now on.
(b) Remove an indel:
i. Ask the user to select Sequence 1 or Sequence 2. Read their integer input and validate it as
being the value 1 or 2.
ii. Ask the user to input a position within their selected sequence. Read their integer input and
validate that it is both between 1 and the length of the sequence inclusive, and the character
at that position is actually an indel.
iii. Remove the indel from the identied position. The returned value replaces the original sequence string from now on.
iv. The lengths of the two strings is now o by 1. You may assume that the other string
has an indel in the last position; remove it so the lengths match again.
(c) Score similarity:
i. Compute and print the similarity between the two sequences, exactly as in Milestone 1.
ii. (Do not print the strings themselves, only the similarity numbers.)
(d) Suggest indel:
i. Ask the user to select Sequence 1 or Sequence 2. Read their integer input and validate it as
being the value 1 or 2.
ii. Compute the optimal position at which an indel should be inserted into the selected sequence in order to maximize the number of matches between the resulting sequences.
A. We will brute force this computation: in a loop, try every single position in the given
sequence. For each position, insert an indel into the original sequence at that position,
then count the number of matches. Accumulate this answer to nd the position with
the maximum number of matches. If two positions result in the same number of matches,
use the rst of the two.
iii. Print the optimal position for an indel.
iv. Compute and print the similarity using your proposed position, exactly as in menu option
(e) Quit: terminate the program.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 until the user chooses to quit.
To implement this program, you must write and use the following functions, in addition to the Milestone 1
functions which will not change:
• print_menu(): prints the menu to the screen.
• get_menu_choice(): asks the user to input a menu option choice, and validates that input as being a
valid menu option. Returns the validated menu option.
• get_sequence_number(): asks the user to input a sequence number (1 or 2), and validates that input
until it is correct. Returns the validated sequence number. Used by the main any time the user needs
to select a sequence number.
• get_insert_position(sequence): given a sequence, asks the user to input a position where an indel
can be inserted within that sequence (from 1 up to and including the length of the sequence), and
validates that input until it is correct. Returns the validated position number.
• get_remove_position(sequence): given a sequence, asks the user to input a position within that
sequence where an indel can be found, and validates that input until it is correct. Returns the validated
position number. A position where there is no indel is not a valid position.
• remove_indel(sequence, index): given a sequence and an index of an indel in that sequence, removes
the indel at the given index and returns the new string.
• find_optimal_indel_position(sequence, other_sequence): given two sequences, where the rst
parameter is the sequence to add an indel to, calculate and return the position in the rst sequence
where an indel should be added to maximize the similarity between the two sequences.
The only functions that are allowed to print (besides the main) are print_menu and the three get_X
Non-functional requirements:
As in Project 1, your Milestone 2 submission will be graded both functionally and non-functionally. You
must follow these guidelines to receive full non-functional credit:
1. All the variables in your program must be given meaningful names. A meaningful name makes it clear
what the variable’s purpose is to someone who is familiar with the problem.
2. The only functions that can use the print function are the main, any function named print_X , and
any function named get_Y . Only the main and get_Y functions can use input.
3. You cannot index, slice, concatenate, or call methods (find, lower/upper, replace, etc.) any strings
in the program’s main. Whenever you need to manipulate a string, you must call one of your functions
to accomplish that goal. However, you can use the len function anywhere you like.
4. When determining optimal indel position, your code must not call (or otherwise use code similar to)
the count_matches function more than n + 1 times, where n is the length of each sequence.
5. Every single function must have a 1-to-3-sentence comment that preceeds the function def and
describes the purpose of the function. Your comments must be written as full English sentences with
proper spelling and grammar. You should identify the big picture purpose of each function, and include a big picture description of the function’s parameters and what the function returns (if anything).
Example of a bad comment:
# gets the menu choice
def get_menu_choice()
This comment doesn’t describe what the function is doing, and is completely redundant with the
function’s name.
Example of a bad comment:
# Puts a dash in a string.
def insert_indel(sequence, index)
This comment is far too vague. Where does the dash go? What are the parameters for? What
gets returned? 0 out of 10, would not read again.
Example of a good comment:
# Takes a DNA sequence string and adds a dash at the indicated index. Returns
# the new string with the dash inserted.
def insert_indel(sequence, index)
We indicate the purpose of the method, describe its parameters, and what to expect as a return
value. A programmer can read this brief description and have a general understanding of what the
function is for.
6. Inside of the find_optimal_indel_position function, you must also write a comment that describes
how your algorithm works. This comment should be 3-4 sentences and independent of the comment
mandated by the previous requirement. You should explain each general step of the algorithm in plain
English, using the vocabulary of the problem domain (indels, sequences, etc.). It should be clear to
a reader of your comment why you have written each line of the function, and why the overall approach
is correct.
Example Output
User input is in underlined italics. These do not cover every possible test case. It is up to you to thoroughly
test your program before submitting it.
Milestone 1:
Please enter DNA Sequence 1: AAAACGAAAA
Please enter DNA Sequence 2: AATAACGAAA
Sequence 1: aaAaCGAaaa
Sequence 2: aaTaACGaaa
Similarity: 6 matches, 4 mismatches. 60.0% match rate.
Please enter an indel location for Sequence 1: 3
Sequence 1: aa-aacgaaaA
Sequence 2: aaTaacgaaaSimilarity: 9 matches, 2 mismatches. 81.8% match rate.
Milestone 2:
Please enter DNA Sequence 1: ATGCGAAAT
Please enter DNA Sequence 2: AATAACGAAA
Sequence 1: aTGCGAAaTSequence 2: aATAACGaAA
Main Menu
1. Insert an indel
2. Remove an indel
3. Score similarity
4. Suggest indel
5. Quit
Please choose an option: 3
Similarity: 2 matches, 8 mismatches. 20.0% match rate.
Sequence 1: aTGCGAAaTSequence 2: aATAACGaAA
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 1
Sequence 1 or 2? -1
Sequence 1 or 2? 1
Please choose a position: -1
Please choose a position: 2
Sequence 1: a-tGCGAaaTSequence 2: aAtAACGaaA-
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 2
Sequence 1 or 2? 2
Please choose a position: 2
Please choose a position: 11
Sequence 1: a-tGCGAaaT
Sequence 2: aAtAACGaaA
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 3
Similarity: 4 matches, 6 mismatches. 40.0% match rate.
Sequence 1: a-tGCGAaaT
Sequence 2: aAtAACGaaA
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 4
Sequence 1 or 2? 1
Insert an indel into Sequence 1 at position 4.
Similarity: 7 matches, 4 mismatches. 63.6% match rate.
Sequence 1: a-tGCGAaaT
Sequence 2: aAtAACGaaA
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 1
Sequence 1 or 2? 1
Please choose a position: 4
Sequence 1: a-t-GcgaaaT
Sequence 2: aAtAAcgaaa-
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 3
Similarity: 7 matches, 4 mismatches. 63.6% match rate.
Sequence 1: a-t-GcgaaaT
Sequence 2: aAtAAcgaaa-
[Main Menu prints again]
Please choose an option: 5