Computer Science Homework Help

CISS 400 BUC CFO is Cooking the Books and Stealing Money Discussion


I’m working on a operating systems question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

This might be tricky! You are hired by a mid-sized defense contractor who suspects their CFO is “cooking the books” and stealing money. This is a private investigation, but you suspect it could turn criminal if the evidence shows this is true and reaching large numbers and impacting investors.

So, you need to get an image of his computer’s hard drive without his knowledge. The company fears he could do damage to their financial position if he learns of the investigation. They tell you he will be on vacation on Thursday and Friday.

You show up on Thursday late afternoon and find his desk in disarray: the computer is on with digital files open, and his chair is in another part of the room with papers stacked on it. This will take you awhile to process, and you need room.

What do you do?

Explain your steps carefully: the more detailed you are, the less likely you will miss something important.