Computer Science Homework Help

UKNA17 – Artificial Intelligence – Project Design & Evaluation



Please do a project report and source code

A key aspect of this assessment is demonstrating the ability to perform a critical analysis and evaluation. This involves empirical experiments, evaluating the performance of artificial intelligence algorithms and, potentially, data processing techniques, depending on the problem at hand.

proposal : Write no less than 1000 words


You are asked to propose a project idea by following the traditional workflow:

What is the problem to be solved?

– Why are you interested in this particular problem?

– Does the problem need datasets to be available? If so, which dataset is to be used?

– Which approach is appropriate for solving that problem?

Please describe exactly the steps i.e. how
you are going to deal with the problem at hand.

– Which algorithms are planned for the application?

– Which quality measures are to be used to evaluate the algorithms?

cases, please make sure to submit your proposal (a brief description that covers the questions mentioned

Project and Source code :::: ( Project write 3000 word report )


D2: A detailed report that contains the following sections: Front matter, Problem definition,
Methodology (all steps), Experiments & discussion, Conclusion and references. Please name it
Report_AI.doc (or .pdf). Please note also the report should not contain any code, but the

D3: Working and well-documented code (notebook). Please zip it if it contains may files and name
it or Code_AI.rar. If you are using tools to develop your application, please explain
exactly what, how, which parameters, etc. so that your results can be reproduced. Submit that
description as a separate document and name it Setting_AI.doc (or .pdf).

NOTE : In report please follow exactly mentioned in attached document and REPORT MUST BE INCLUDED TABLES AND RELATED DIAGRAMS and Headings