Computer Science homework help

This is a required assignment worth 15 points (15-points/1000-points). Assignment must be submitted by the due date.
No late assignments are allowed. Please discuss the following topics and provide substantive comments to at least
two other posts. Use only 50-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer. The discussion questions this
week are from Chapter’s 19-20 (Jamsa, 2013).
Chapter 19 topics:
Q1) Define scalability.
Q2) List five to ten potential relationships that align with the Pareto principle, such as how 80 percent of sales come from 20 percent of customers.
Q3) Compare and contrast vertical and horizontal scaling.
Q4) Explain the importance of the database read/write ratio.
Q5) Assume a site guarantees 99.99 percent uptime. How many minutes per year can the site be down?
Chapter 20 topics:
Q6) List and describe five ways you think the cloud will change the future of TV.
Q7) List and describe five potential uses for intelligent fabric.
Q8) List and describe five ways the cloud will influence the mobile application market, or vice versa.
Q9) Discuss the importance of HTML 5.
Q10) Discuss how the cloud will impact future operating systems.
Q11) List and describe three potential location-aware applications.
Q12) List and describe five ways intelligent devices may work together.
Need Answers for all questions. each max 50 words. No Plagiarism. Need Three References.
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or
theories of Analyzing & Visualinzing Data course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to
your current work environment.
Need 500 Words. No Plagiarism. Need Two References.
The three of my best favorite visualizations are Olympic athlete body match, Non UK census population and the
visualization presented by the metro newspaper. When taken the visualization presented by Olympics athlete body match
the thing I liked in there is I can literally see the body index ratio of all the Olympic athletes throughout the world their
height weight and what category games they play etc. and also we can compare out body mass index with their BMI
and make sure where we stand along them, and this is a simple metrics that we can share with friends too so they can
look into their progress. The second one I liked is Non UK born census, where we can see the birth ratio of non UK
since 1951 and we can see the graph where we can see how the population in each year and compare from one year
to the other and also the population who are born among England and wales. The graphical representation of the
data is very useful to analyze the data since 1951 and see the variations in the data. The third one I chose is metro
newspaper visualization where they show different news in different newspaper columns, from advertisements to
festive news, but the major news column was about Shakira who inspired the whole world with her moves.

Need Response for POST 1. Need 150 – 200 Words. Need one Reference. No Plagiarism.
There seems to be more knowledge about us and in judgement, journalism, and creating sense of the environment,
data is constantly used. Visualizations are one of the key ways’ users get access to information, however often people
feel that they might not have the expertise and experience to make sense of visualizations. This may mean that certain
persons are left out of data discussions. This resource helps to address this issue by helping individuals improve
capacity to appreciate and enjoy it! Visualizations of results. About the visualization practice I like Non-uk born census
population visualization (Qin, 2019). The visualization is easily comprehensible and gaining information it was
intended to show is quick and easy. However, the coloring process is not consistent and confonce an audience.
I would suggest, making the color contrast to be uniform for each level where the color strength should change by
year and not changing from one color to another from one year to another. The metro newspaper visualization is
comprehensive and depicts most of the information it is intended to display visually. Also, for face book visualization it
uses Facebook symbols and for twitter it uses twitter which quickly helps the user understand the main categories being
displayed (Allen, 2019). However, it does not show clearly what it is trying to compare. By adding labels or a title on the
visualization would help in understanding what the comparison is all about. From the migration census visualization,
it is clear what is being displays both in visual and in labels, making it easy for the audience to comprehend the
visualization. However, after selecting a city and visualizing it content, there are no labels to show what the
visualization is about. Hence, I would adjust the visualization by adding the labels.
Need Response for POST 2: Need 150 – 200 Words. Need One reference. No Plagiarism.