>Computer Science homework help



You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as shown in the table below:

Lab Number

Computer Station Numbers









Each user has a unique five-digit ID number. Whenever a user logs on, the user’s ID, lab number, and the computer station number are transmitted to your system. For example, if user 49193 logs onto station 2 in lab 3, then your system receives (49193, 2, 3) as input data. Similarly, when a user logs off a station, then your system receives the lab number and computer station number.

Write a computer program that could be used to track, by lab, which user is logged onto which computer. For example, if user 49193 is logged into station 2 in lab 3 and user 99577 is logged into station 1 of lab 4, then your system might display the following:

Lab Number Computer Stations

1          1: empty 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty
2          1: empty 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty
3          1: empty 2: 49193 3: empty 4: empty
4          1: 99577 2: empty 3: empty

Create a menu that allows the administrator to simulate the transmission of information by manually typing in the login or logoff data. Whenever someone logs in or out, the display should be updated. Also write a search option so that the administrator can type in a user ID and the system will output what lab and station number that user is logged into, or “None” if the user ID is not logged into any computer station.

You should use a fixed array of length 4 for the labs. Each array entry points to a dynamic array that stores the user login information for each respective computer station.

The structure is shown in the figure below. This structure is sometimes called a ragged array since the columns are of unequal length.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

// Type definition
typedef int* IntPtr;

// Constants
const int NUMLABS = 4;

// Function prototypes
void createArrays(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[]);
void freeArrays(IntPtr labs[]);
void showLabs(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[]);
void login(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[]);
void logoff(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[]);
void search(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[]);

// ======================
// createArrays:
// Creates the dynamic arrays for the labs.
// The first array is the array of labs,
// The second array contains the size (or number of computers)
// we will put in each lab. This dictates the size of the dynamic
// array.
// ======================
void createArrays(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[])
//Compelete the function

// ======================
// freeArrays:
// Releases memory we allocated with “new”.
// ======================
void freeArrays(IntPtr labs[])
//Compelete the function

// ======================
// showLabs:
// Displays the status of all labs (who is logged into which computer).
// ======================
void showLabs(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[])
//Compelete the function

// ======================
// login:
// Simulates a user login by asking for the login info from
// the console.
// ======================
void login(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[])
//Compelete the function

// ======================
// logoff:
// Searches through the arrays for the input user ID and if found
// logs that user out.
// ======================
void logoff(IntPtr labs[], int labsizes[])
//Compelete the function