Computer Science homework help


You company has been allocated an unlimited budget to move to a virtualization infrastructure. The current IT infrastructure exists on bare metal with no virtualization implemented at all.

The current infrastructure contains the following components:

2 x Windows 2008 R2 Domain Controllers

2 x Exchange 2013 Servers

1 x SQL 2012 Server

1 x Red Hat 7.0 Apache Server

2 x Windows 2008 R2 Servers as File Servers

Your task is to do the following:

1) Provide a cost and description of the new hardware you will be implementing

2) Develop a migration plan to move all current infrastructure to virtualization (this also means 0 downtime)

3) Identify and Upgrade the old operating systems and software in the current infrastructure

4) Expand the current infrastructure to include new technologies (eg. An MDM solution)

Please create a detailed report on the tasks above.

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