Computer Science Homework Help

Caselet Bottler Business Questions


Hello! This is an assignment for my IT Auditing class. I will attach 2 PDF files. The first one is “Caselet-1-Bottler-IS 344 Depaul 2019” which has the information needed and all the questions that need to be done.

The second file is “Basic-Foundational-Concepts-Student-Book

  • Questions are based on the (Basic Foundational Concepts) Student book and it can be used as a primary source of information. You are welcome, but not required, to use other sources. Whatever sources you do use, including the textbook, all must be properly cited using APA style.
  • Length: At least 6 – 8 double-spaced pages excluding the cover page and references list. Include page numbers, headings, and running headers.
  • Do not simply restate or copy information from the textbook.
  • Use of examples is required, wherever they are requested.
  • Social networking sites, crowdsourcing sites, social collaboration sources such as wikis and Wikipedia are not allowed


1. Design a business process for the enterprise, list the workings and challenges
of the enterprise, and understand its vision, mission and
challenges/objectives. 20 points

2. Identify the relationships amongst principles, processes and practices. 15

3. Establish the pain points signaling the need for better value management as
well as trigger events that would compel business leaders to begin building on
value. 20 points
Your Tasks

4. Outline a typical ‘future state’ – what the common characteristics and
outcomes of a value-driven enterprise look like. 15 points

5. Build a set of instructions on how to conduct an assessment of the
enterprise’s current state. 15 points

6. Identify the most critical elements in managing organizational change that are
required to sustain value over time. 15 points