Computer Science Homework Help

PUG Systems Architecture Painting and Architecture Presentation




The systems analyst job carries into and beyond the implementation stage. Often, this is a confusing time for the client, who may not understand the complexities of these steps. You will need to research key terms and provide examples. The selection of appropriate sources establishes your credibility with clients. A “Research Methodology” Appendix allows your client to critically evaluate a study’s overall validity and reliability. In addition to research and presentation of ideas, this assessment will test your ability to explain technology concepts to non-technical clients.

This assessment addresses two content areas: first, types of system architecture design requirements; and second, methods of testing systems for implementation.

Assessment Instructions and Requirements

When finalizing system requirements, it is helpful to return to previous parts of the SDLC and the design specifications. In this case, we want to review requirements related to architecture design. Your task is to explain the four primary types of nonfunctional requirements that can be important in designing the architecture. You’ll want to examine relevant subtypes and research examples of these types of requirements.

The second main concept to explore this week is to review various testing methods – ways to verify that the system does what it was designed to do.

As you are researching the examples, you will want to evaluate your sources and document it in a Research Methodology Appendix. You will need at least 3 sources beyond the textbook (the textbook does not count as a source). Appropriate academic or scholarly resources include books, academic journal articles, and published expert reports. Be wary of advertisements, opinion sources, and crowd-sourced documentation (like Wikipedia).

There are two research methodology components: Process and Evaluation. For process, you will want to explain what was your method of research? How did you search for your examples? For source evaluation you will want to identify what makes your sources appropriate for this presentation? Why are they relevant?


Prepare a PowerPoint with the following requirements. The outline below corresponds to the slides and information necessary for this assessment. For each slide, write in your own words. You are additionally required to use (at least) 3 quality/academic/scholarly resources beyond the textbook. Provide an APA in-text citation and an APA references slide(s) as part of the presentation. Images are encouraged. Presentation and layout matters.

  1. Cover slide, course, your name, and the date.
  2. Define the overall purpose of Operational Requirements
  3. Operational Requirements (subtype and example one)
  4. Operational Requirements (subtype and example two)
  5. Performance Requirements (overall purpose)
  6. Performance Requirements (subtype and example one)
  7. Performance Requirements (subtype and example two)
  8. Security Requirements (overall purpose)
  9. Security Requirements (subtype and example one)
  10. Security Requirements (subtype and example two)
  11. Cultural and Political Requirements (overall purpose)
  12. Cultural and Political Requirements (subtype and example one)
  13. Cultural and Political Requirements (subtype and example two)
  14. Unit Testing defined and example
  15. Integration Testing defined and example
  16. System Testing defined and example
  17. Acceptance Testing defined and example
  18. Summary
  19. Appendix: Research Methodology – Process
  20. Appendix: Research Methodology – Source Evaluation
  21. References slide(s) as needed

Design notes:

  • Use a design theme.
  • Images and other visual aids are encouraged
  • Creativity and visual presentation matters.
  • The outline is a suggested, but not required structure. If you can compress two examples onto one slide you are welcome. If you need additional slides for documentation (especially research methodology) you can include more information.
  • Ensure good readability (consider color, text size, etc.)
  • Do not use animation or transitions.
  • Do not include content in the notes area – every slide should be self-sufficient.


For this assignment you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of the Humanities in application. You will use this concept to deepen your impressions and interpretations of works of architecture. Check the “Writing for the Humanities” document in Course Home for guidance on how to balance sourced material and also share your own impressions. This will be useful information for this Assignment.

Select two works of architecture from within your city, county, or state. The works of architecture may be a building, bridge, or a monument. All communities will have architectural structures — from rural areas to large cities. You do not need to have seen the work of architecture firsthand, but it should be one that is local. This will help you to focus on the ways that these structures are a part of your personal experiences.

You will use these as creative expressions to analyze in light of what you have learned from the content and information in this unit. One at a time, you will describe each selected work and explain how it demonstrates at least one concept from the unit reading or other research upon architecture.

Part I:

1. Describe the first selected work of architecture from your area. You are welcome to include photos, but you should still describe the structure in detail. Explain what you see as though readers of your paper have not seen this structure.

2. Explain at least one architectural concept from the reading. Use and cite the source to help define what the concept is, then explain what you think might be the purpose or importance of this concept. Why is concept important when it comes to architecture? Add an explanation of the concept, as well as your interpretation of what the concept means.

3. Connect the selected work of architecture to the concept. How do you see the structure demonstrating the concept? Explain where you see the ideas in application. How does the structure show the concept? How does understanding of the concept deepen your analysis of the work of architecture? Give examples of what may have changed in your understanding.

Part II:

You’ll follow the same steps 1, 2, and 3 with a second work of architecture. Be sure to highlight a different structure and a different concept from in Part I.

Part I and Part II should be submitted in the same document. The work should be at least 500 words in length and must use at least one outside source that is cited in APA style. Check the Writing Center for information about use and citation of sources.