Computer Science Homework Help
ISM 580 Tools and Technology Research Big Data Analytics Discussion
Research BIG Data Analytics and answer the following:
1-What does BIG DATA Pipeline do for us?
1b-What is Hadoop?
2-What is Hive?
3-What is Pig in BIG Data?
4-What is Mahout?
5-What is Zookeeper?
6-What us Sqoop?
7-What is Apache Spark?
8-Research the History of Analytics and Big Data and write a 1 page summary of it.
1. Complete
2. Reply Posts (2 200-word posts)
- Do you agree or disagree with your classmates’ posts, or can you offer different insight? Reply to 2 students.
Bonus Discussion:
Where does BIG data come from? Use the following AMAZON Model to help you.