Computer Science Homework Help
HINF 6130 WU Natural Primary Key & Insurance Company Tables
The first document is the week one assignment I did the one correctly. The second document is week two example, 3nd document is what I turned in but is not right. It needs to be corrected before continuing week three. The fourth document is instruction for weeks 1 & 2. Week two needs to be corrected to proceed to this week’s assignment.
Last document is for this assignment
To complete this stage of the Course Project, create three tables in a Microsoft Office program (Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) to mirror the tables created in Week 1. Please complete the following items:
- Create onetable for each of the three previously defined entities.
- Populate each table with sample data. In other words, create all three tables with their entities, attributes, and with the primary keys identified in Week 2. Use the specifications provided below when you add data to the tables.
- At least 5 patients
- At least 3 different types of vaccines
- At least 3 insurance companies
Add data to your table. Be sure to designate the primary keys before you can add data. Refer to Microsoft Suite tutorials for instructions on how to create and populate the tables.