Computer Science Homework Help

University of the Cumberlands Privacy and Security in Online Social Networks PPT


Submit your final project here.

Topic of your choice within Information Assurance during this course. The final project consists of 3 files:

  • The main research paper about 4-5 pages, including a cover page and this must be a Word document.
  • The reference, at least three references and in APA format. This must be a Word document.
  • The presentation slides with highlights and details of your project. This must be a PPT or PDF document.

Please note:

  • Do NOTcompress them into a single file for submission. Submit these 3 files separately (attaching one-by-one) or by multiple-selecting these 3 files together when submitting.
  • SafeAssign/Turnitin is used to check similarity.
  • For each of the Paper/Presentation documents, its acceptable similarity rate is 20%. If it is higher than 50%, a score of 0 will be graded for the project. A rate between (20%~50%) will have impact on the grading.
  • The reference similarity will not have impact on the grading.

Please follow the above submission requirements!