Computer Science Homework Help

CISS 400 Bethesda University of California DEA Digital Forensics Project


We are now entering the cryptic world of encryption and hashes! As we have learned, more computer users are encrypting their files or drives, making it a bit more difficult for forensics examiner to conduct their work. After you have gone through the steps of obtaining files, you need to ensure nothing has been changed in the collection process. This is where the hash comes in, and we have some choices on how to proceed.

This assignment touches on both encryption and hashing, so you will have a feel for each and begin to understand their important roles. Complete Hands-On Projects 9-1 (skipping step 10 until the end, see below), 9-2, 9-3, and 9-4, and make sure you take screenshots of the steps with an on-screen result.

After completing the projects, write the report (300 words min.) on encryption from 9-1, step 10, and include another section covering your views on the important role that hashes play in validation.