Computer Science Homework Help

George Mason University Museum War Driving Project


War driving is the concept where the user drives around and collects information about wireless networks in the area. They may record information about the SSID, encryption, channels, and signal strength. is a website that records this information from uploads and has a world map with over 9 Billion access points mapped out.


You will be using the site to look up information and record your findings.

On step 2, use Longitude 39.0264 to 39.0291 and Latitude -77.3954 to -77.3887

On step 10, the satellite button is now a drop down in panel under the view option. There is no. button on the map anymore.


1. Read and execute the instructions for Hands-on Project 1 starting on page 213.
2. Write a paper describing your experience and project results. Describe challenges you encountered.
3.Paste the screenshots into your paper. For each screenshot, describe in DETAIL what is taking place. 4. Save and upload your assignment file here to Canvas.