Computer Science Homework Help

St Johns College Data Model for Employment Agencies Worksheet


Hi, Good evening. I need help on data model assignment: Logical data modeling. Here is a data model on EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES in below attachment. Copy and paste this data model graphic into your paper using MS word. In the MS word document, list the following: 

1. All the entities, 2. All the attributes in each entity,  3. The primary key for each entity, 4. All the foreign keys, 5. All the relationship cardinalities between entities ( e.g a professor can teach one to many classes; an individual class is taught by one and only 1 professor. 6. For each relationship  between entities, specify the name of the attribute in one entity that will be used to match to an attribute in a related entity, including the specific atribute name in the second entity that is used for the matching. For instance, in a school data model : ” The Student_ID attribute in the Registered_Class entity is used to match to the Student_ID attribute in the Enrolled_Student entity. ”