Computer Science homework help

The dependencies between the tasks:
Task 1 -> Task 2
Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 -> Task 4
Task 4 -> Task 5
How do you plan to complete tasks 1, 2 and 4. in this part you need to describe the process that you intend to follow in order to compete the tasks.
Task 1: We will create a job in Talend Data Integrator that will copy data from ‘Integration’ database into Oracle central database. The addresses data will be update to a staging table named ‘MasterAddressStaging’ in full load and truncate mode. Then The MasterAddress table will be update using data from ‘MasterAddressStaging’. We will create a trigger on ‘MasterAddressStaging’. The trigger will insert only new addresses to the ‘MasterAddress’ table. That will preserve the already in use Address Ids.
Task 2: We will create a Job in Talend Data Integerator that will connect to a CSV file, map the data to the oracle table (DonationsStaging), and then load the data to the ‘DonationsStaging’ table. Then we will create a procedure that loads data from DonationsStaging to the ‘Donations’ table. The procedure will remove invalid records by matching the addresses agains ‘MasterAddress’ table. The valid entries will be loaded to ‘Donations’ table, and invalid entries will be loaded to ‘InvalidDonations’ table. Another job will write the InvalidDonations table data to a CSV file.
Task 4: Here, we will use trigger to upload data to star schema table. The trigger will be applied to data insert into ‘Donations’ table. When new donations are inserted, the trigger will update data into the star schema tables using SQL insert queries.