Computer Science Homework Help

Purdue University Global Cloud Computing and Global Secondary Indexes Project


I’m working on a computer science question and need support to help me learn.

Part 1

Section 1

utilize the DynamoDB AWS service to explore a database of movies.

You will need to take four screenshots during the lab.

  1. Screenshot displaying the Movies table within the AWS console dashboard.
  2. Screenshot showing the newly created Global Secondary Index.
  3. Screenshot displaying the new item values successfully added to the table.
  4. Screenshot that displays a change in capacity.

screenshots you create while completing the lab should be added to a
Microsoft Word document. Write a one-paragraph summary under each
screenshot sharing your experience completing this lab. Then, write a
final paragraph that summarizes your experience with Amazon Web

Section 2:


you will create a subnet group, create and configure an RDS instance,
launch a read replica, promote the replica to a primary instance, delete
the original primary, and retained snapshots, just in case! With this
information, you now have a solid basis for understanding RDS database
configuration and management.

To begin
the lab, click on the “Lab search within Linux Academy” link in this
Lab area. Type the lab name, “Create and Configure an RDS Database with
Backup Solutions”. You will click on the lab name and then select Start
Lab. You can also select the lab guide if you need a hardcopy of your
lab instructions.

You will need to take four screenshots during the lab.

  1. Screenshot displaying the VPC configuration.
  2. Screenshot showing the Linux Academy VPC was selected for the RDS subnet.
  3. Screenshot that shows your newly created snapshot.
  4. Screenshot that displays your created read replica.

screenshots you create while completing the lab should be added to a
Microsoft Word document. Write a one-paragraph summary under each
screenshot sharing your experience completing this lab. Then, write a
final paragraph that summarizes your experience with Amazon Web

Part 2

Section 1:

company you work for today has several on-premise relational databases
that range from several hundred gigabytes to several terabytes in size.
Most of the databases are considered OLTP processing systems during the
daytime and batch processing at night. The database engines are Oracle
and SQL server, both database systems are using their latest versions.

a 2-page paper that discusses alternative database cloud solutions for
Oracle and SQL Server and then discuss the possible migration process
involved in moving from their local on-premise databases to their
respective database cloud solution. Would the Amazon DynamoDB be a good
fit? Why or why not?

Section 2:

work for a company that keeps up with product sales from thousands of
convenience stores throughout the United States. Hourly sales analysis
is critical for understanding customer trends and buying habits. This
data is also needed for its distributors to understand how to stock low
inventory levels in a cost effective and efficient manner. The problem
is that the data is lagging behind due to latency issues and most of the
systems are becoming out dated.

Write a 2-page paper that discusses the following:

  1. What type of Amazon RDS database instance could help solve their problem? Why?
  2. How would Amazon Read Replicas reduce Internet latency issues?
  3. Outside of Amazon, what other cloud solutions could help alleviate some of their current issues? Explain.

Section 3:

Write a college-level research paper that includes the following:

reading this week covers a cloud migration strategy. This Assignment is
going to expand your knowledge of cloud migration. Your Assignment is
to discuss the six parts of the migration strategy (Analysis;
Application Migration; Networking; Data Migration; Optimization and
Testing; and Operation and Management) and how your company will
successfully accomplish your migration to the cloud with the strategy
you propose. You can choose to write about a fictitious company or a
company you have knowledge of. Write a 2-page paper that follows the
requirements above.