Computer Science Homework Help

IT 120 Hash Programs Questionnaire


there is an exercise on slide 41 on the powerpoint attached, 

Example 2: Hashing? Numerous hash programs can be downloaded for free online. This exercise
is shown only as an example of one such application.
1. Download and install DigtialVolcano Hash
2. Open Notepad and create a text file named test.txt. Type IT120 is a good
class! In the file. Save and close it.
3. In the Hash tool, click the Select File(s) button
4. Navigate to your test.txt file within the window and click open. The hash
for the file appears in the screen.
5. Open test.txt again and change “good” to “great”. Save and close the file.
6. Follow step 3 again. Note the difference in the hash values displayed in
the DigitalVolcano window.
? Answer the following questions:
? What are the two hash values did you get? Document them respectively.
? Count the length for each value. How many characters? Are the length
of the hash for both files the same?
? Now download today’s lecture slides to your computer. Obtain the hash
value for the file and document it. The length for this hash value?
? Change the Hash type from MD5 to SHA-256, rerun the last step, obtain
the hash value and count the length for it.