Computer Science Homework Help

CMP 610 UMGC Cybersecurity Management Social Psychology Report


Project 2: Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control.

Step 4: Write a Social Psychology Report

In the previous steps, you explored the basics of authentication, authorization, and access control and common models of implementing them. Your next task in preparing for the discussion with your peers is to consider the impact that human factors, such as ethics, legal issues, and psychology have on cybersecurity.

To synthesize your research on these factors, you will write a report on the psychological aspects of cybersecurity. This report will be used to formulate recommendations later in the project and be included as an appendix to the final presentation in the last step of this project.

In this report, do the following:

  • Explore the typical intrusion motives/hacker psychology. Classify the types of hackers and threat actors and give an example of a potential incident.
  • Define a cybersecurity policy as it relates to employees and employment. For example, how would an organization apply a security policy to employees and employment in relation to network-related programming or other cyber-related positions?
  • Define the separation of duties policy and give an example.
  • Define redundancy and diversity and explain how they relate to cybersecurity access control. Give an example of a policy integrating the concepts of redundancy and diversity to reduce risk.
  • Summarize how the implementation of the access control mechanisms mentioned in this section may have a positive or negative consequence on employee productivity.
  • Suggested length is four to six pages

For Step 4 Social Psychology Report, 

I expect: 

-cover page 

-Intro -2-3 paragraphs on types of hackers and actors. Provide examples of attacks, how your cyber policy should be different for people who work on the network – esp those with elevated privileges. 

– 1 para on separation of duties 

– 1 para on Redundancy, diversity and how they relate to access control 

– 1 para on how access control can have a pos or neg effect on employee productivity