Computer Science homework help

CSCI100 Final Alternative
In this very difficult time, we will do anything to fight against COVID19. Therefore, we are not going to have an in-person exam, but an online alternative. The alternative includes two components, the take-home work and the interview. With the overall performance of your take home and interview, I will determine your final grade and overall course grade. It may not sound very traditional, but it is indeed a better and more fair assessment of your true ability.
For the take-home work, complete the following questions and submit them via C4 before April 5, 2020 midnight.
Just submit the solutions are NOT enough, you have to show all the “thinking” and you should expect questions in detail during the interviews. You may use any resource to study the question, but you must fully understand why.
You may receive ZERO if you can not explain the solution.
Question 1:
Use ACCESS to build a small database called Library, which has two tables, the book information and the CSCI100 reserved books list. The book information contains book title, ISBN, author name etc. and the reserved list contains ISBN, expiration dates etc. Design the database and write the query that find out if book “Introduction to C programming” is reserved by CSCI100.
Question 2:
Write the html and css to introduce your favorite place of interest (a place you visited or want to go). The technical correctness and color theme design will be both considered.
Question 3:
Design an online Parking reservation system using Python. The park takes the name of the booking person, size of the part, type and number of sites, type and number of vehicles, and duration of the stay (beginning to end dates). The camping sites are priced based on size, 2 person sites are $10 per day, 4 person sites are $30 per day, 6 person sites are $50 per day, and RV sites requires a RV in the reservation. One vehicle is included in the price and any additional vehicles are $10 extra. Party over 6 person must book at least two sites. RV sites must have at least one RV. After successfully reserved the site, print the receipt with all the information listed and the total cost with 12% tax included.
For the interview part, here are the instruction:
The interview would be individual basis about 15 minutes average.
Each student would arrange the time with me after April 5 before April 9, 2020.
The questions may cover from your solution and any questions based on the lectures after the midterm.