Computer Science Homework Help

How Analytics is used in Today’s Market and Digital Channels Report


Trend Measurement Tools

Three trend measurement tools were highlighted (Google Trends, Google, and Google AdWords). Provide a 2-3 paragraph summary of the tool (250-300 words in length). Share when it would be appropriate and not appropriate for an organization to adopt the tool.

Review A Beginner’s Guide to Using Google Ads

Read “How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Channel for Your Business” (

Assignment: Channel Report
As you read Chapter 2.1, it shared with multiple examples of digital marketing channels. Spend time investigate at least 4 different channels. Prepare a report (1-2 pages) summarizing each channel (with a specific example/tool) and how each one could be applied to a certain businesses/organization. Make sure to explain the business/organization in the opening paragraph and use the same businesses throughout the remaining of the report.

Please share answers in 2 different documents.