Computer Science Homework Help

Anne Arundel Community College GitHUB Software Development Paper


I’m trying to learn for my Computer Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

There will be at least 5 parts to this program as the semester continues. To handle the 5 possible versions you must learn how to use ANSIBLE and GitHUB

Part I Domain Name Generator

Using Python Programming Language, your program will create a program called DomainName that will create 20 domain names.

Part II Domain Name Generator

The Program will asks the user for:

  • Their email address
  • A word or phrase that they want their domain name to include

Email address must meet the following criteria the following:

  1. @ symbol
  2. must contain a .
  3. Address must be a least 10 characters

Part III Domain Name Generator

You must store all 20 domain names to include their email address and word phrase in a linked list