Computer Science Homework Help

American Intercontinential University Computer Networking New Language Paper


  • Prepare a document to submit your work:
    • Use Microsoft Word.
    • Title page
      • Course number and name
      • Project name
      • Student name
      • Date
    • Task 1: Software installation:
      • Identify each subtask.
      • Discuss if and how scripting can be used to help complete each subtask.
      • Select appropriate scripting languages for subtasks that can be scripted, and justify your selection.
    • Task 2: Software update:
      • Identify each major subtask.
      • Discuss if and how scripting can be used to help complete each subtask.
      • Select appropriate scripting languages for subtasks that can be scripted, and justify your selection.
    • Provide well-documented source code for at least 1 of the subtasks for Task 1 or Task 2.