Criminal homework help

Include the major facts and background of the case under investigation.
The timeline involved in the investigation.
Provide paragraph 150 words on what is known about the victim.  What is known about the victim’s family?
Victim’s Lifestyle and Situational Exposure:
Harmful elements in everyday life, and the amount of actual exposure or vulnerability experienced by the victim at the time of victimization.
Crime Reconstruction
Crime reconstruction is the determination of the actions and events surrounding the commission of a crime.  Describe the physical evidence and what facts that suggest and the sequence of events.
Crime Scene Analysis/Characteristics: 
Location type, Location of the Scene, Crime Scene Type, Victim Selection, Victim Location, Point of Contact, Method of Approach, Method of Attack, Use of Force, Methods of Control, Use of Weapons, Victim Response, Verbal Behavior, Sexual Acts, Time, Multiple Officers, Evidence Planning, Opportunistic Elements, Precautionary Acts, Missing Items, The Body, Evidence of Staging
MO/Signature Aspects:
Offender Characteristics
Knowledge of Crime Scene-
Knowledge of Victim-
Knowledge of Methods and Materials-
Evidence of Criminal Skill-
Physical Characteristics-
Offender Characteristics/Profile:
Age range (which is one of the toughest points to nail down in a profile because emotional or experiential age does not always match chronological years)-
marital status-
living arrangements-
employment status-
psychological and personality characteristics-
beliefs and values-
probable reactions to the police-
past criminal record, including the possibility of similar offenses in the past-
In addition to the above, you may offer any other insights you might have in terms of hypotheses about the personality and characteristics of the offender.-
If needed there is a 25 min video of the case which is easier than researching. Link below

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