. Describe the use of mandatory military service over the course of U.S. history. Indicate some points in time where significant changes were made to policies regarding required military service. (approximately 200-250 words) 2. Indicate what you believe are some of the more convincing arguments for why the U.S. should require individuals to serve in the military. (approximately 150-200 words) 3. Indicate what you believe are some of the more convincing arguments against a mandatory draft. (approximately 150-200 words)

. Describe the use of mandatory military service over the course of U.S. history. Indicate some points in time where significant changes were made to policies regarding required military service. (approximately 200-250 words)
2. Indicate what you believe are some of the more convincing arguments for why the U.S. should require individuals to serve in the military. (approximately 150-200 words)
3. Indicate what you believe are some of the more convincing arguments against a mandatory draft. (approximately 150-200 words)