Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

As a special educator, you will fulfil many roles and responsibilities for your students, families, other staff members and for your administration.,Fulfil many roles and responsibilities for your students, families,,Firstly, as a special educator, you will fulfil many roles and responsibilities for your students, families, other staff members and for your administration. It is important to know these roles and responsibilities so that you maintain professional, ethical, and legal dispositions at all times.,1.Case managing and managing others, i.e., paraeducators, aides:,Make sure you treat each individual with respect and kindness. State the classroom rules and regulations, assign a daily lesson for small group and large group settings. Also, prepare a lesson for individualized instruction., 2. Differentiating lesson plans with general education teachers, The lesson should be modified to meet each student’s need according to grade level accommodation on the IEP., 3. Legal and confidentiality concerns when working with students and families/caregivers, Do not share confidential information with co-workers, teacher friends or family members. Make sure you report serious or repeated violation of school rules, habitually truant, runaway, weapon intoxicating beverages., 4. Conflict resolution among students and staff, Conflicts resolution among students and staff:, Referrals- The complaints and serious concerns are in writing., Meet with the student panel or with the child’s caretaker., Have the referral sent to the student’s behavior support personnel.,5. Being involved beyond the classroom.,The teacher should participate in extra-curricular activities. Have the students and parents involved in the educational process., 6. Advocacy and mentoring students, families, and other colleagues, Department of Education, FINS Referrals, ,Social Worker, SAT, Disciplinarian, Student Hearing Office,7. Lifelong learning and staying current on educational trends and legislation for special education, Teacher should attend at least two workshops annually. Read current materials provide by the state and attend Professional Development for Special Education.,8. Any additional roles and responsibilities your mentor describes, Meeting and committees are necessary roles in the educational process for succe and leadership., Clinical Field Experience C: Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Educator, As a special educator, you will fulfill many roles and responsibilities for your students, families, other staff members and for your administration. It is important to know these roles and responsibilities so that you maintain professional, ethical, and legal dispositions at all times.,Allocate 2 hours in the field to support this field experience.,As a special educator, you will have many roles and responsibilities. Collaborate with your mentor teacher to reflect on the following professional roles and responsibilities of a special education teacher:, Case managing and managing others, i.e., paraeducators, aides.,FIRSTLY, Differentiating lesson plans with general education teachers.,SECONDLY, Legal and confidentiality concerns when working with students and families/caregivers.,THIRDLY, Conflict resolution among students and staff.,FOURTHLY, Being involved beyond the classroom.,ALSO, Advocacy and mentoring students, families, and other colleagues.,ADDITIONALLY, Lifelong learning and staying current on educational trends and legislation for special education.,FURTHER, Any additional roles and responsibilities your mentor describes.,BESIDES, Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.,MOREOVER, After the discussion with your mentor, complete a 500-750 word reflection based on your findings.,LASTLY, Discuss any new insights, areas of concerns, and what you feel you need to know more about as you complete your studies.