Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

After reading the theories associated with chapters 31, 32, and 33, consider a relational development interaction that took place at work, with family, and in the media explaining how the theories work in different ways in the three different situations. In your post, you must use at least two outside resources in addition to your text with in-text citations. In your peer responses, you must use at least one outside resource.For clarification purposes, you are supposed to give three examples of all three theories: Theory #1: 1. dealing with work, 2. dealing with family, and 3. dealing with the media. Theory #2: 1.dealing with work, 2. dealing with family, and 3. dealing with the media. Theory #3: 1. dealing with work, 2. dealing with family, and 3. dealing with the media. Here are the directions again: After reading the theories associated with the section, consider a relational development interaction that took place at work, with family, and in the media explaining how the theories work in different ways in the three different situations. Make sure that you respond to all three areas for all three theories. Follow APA formatting.Textbook Link http://rosalia.mercubuana-yogya.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/ebooksclub.org__A_First_Look_at_Communication_Theory___8th_Edition_.pdf