Economics Homework Help

Santa Monica College Understanding Globalization Financial Crisis Summary


In a Word document, submit your 3,000–4,000 word essay on a problem that requires interdisciplinary studies. Your essay should relate to work that you have already completed in earlier course modules.

Be sure to use 12-point, Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Also make sure that your essay is in full compliance with MLA formatting standards.

Last, please note that you should not simply cut and paste your answers from earlier module assignments. You will need to re-write and re-format large portions of your earlier work in order to write a good essay.

  1. Introductory paragraph—Introduce the problem/subject/issue and explain why an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to address the problem. This paragraph should summarize what you argue throughout the entire essay.
  2. Describe the problem/subject/issue in greater detail (Broad Model step 1)
  3. Explain why the problem or research question requires an interdisciplinary approach (Broad Model step 2)
  4. Identify the disciplines relevant to the problem (Broad Model step 3)
  5. Identify insights gained from each discipline (Broad Model step 4)—This is where you will draw specific information from your research, including citations and quotations when relevant.
  6. Critically analyze the disciplinary insights (Broad Model step 5)—This is where you will (1) identify sources of conflict and/or agreement between disciplinary insights, and (2) explain how the contributing disciplines are interconnected.
  7. Explain how using an interdisciplinary approach enlarges our understanding of the problem (Broad Model step 6)—This is where you conclude your essay.
  8. Bibliography—Include a bibliography of all sources cited in your essay (minimum of four, preferably more).