Economics Homework Help

University of West Los Angeles Personal Finance Family Financial Plan Report


Read all instructions and follow them. Upon completion of Part One, Part Two, and Part Three, paper should be uploaded using the submit button. The three parts should be submitted as one entity, but subtitled as Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. This means one document, not three separate documents.

There are 2 links here, one before the word Link and one after the word Link. READ both of these before you write your final. They are also given below:… (Links to an external site.)

Microsoft Word – CopingWithFinancialStress.doc ( (Links to an external site.)

There is a link about Financial Stress and some ways to handle that stress. The second link discusses economic situations. There is a lot of information about ways to deal with financial stress that you will use in your final.

The document for the final is lengthy and gives you all the information needed to write the final. You may want to print it off so you can read through it as you write your final. There are financial situations for 3 different families and one individual. There are guidelines of what to discuss for each family/individual for each of the three parts of the final. I expect that this final will take you some time to complete so do not save it for the last moment to read through it and write your final. I expect you to use financial strategies discussed in class in all your responses.

Answer the questions in detail do not miss any one questions with excels and explanations. do not copy from web.