Economics Homework Help

Behavioral Economics Influence Decisions in Healthcare Presentation


I need help with a presentation for the presentation we get to choose however to present our presentation it can be about anything but it should be linked back to what we learnt the presentation should be interesting i have realized many of my classmates presentations have been about certain events they have choosen or interesting topics or a case study and they have linked it back to what we have learnt in class and to what we have learnt from our textbooks which are the books (Misbehaving and the book Nudge) they are both written by richard thaler i am focusing on chapters 3 to 5 from the book misbehaving and chapter 1 to 4 from the book nudge. I would like it if you make my presentation more like my classmate’s and pick a certain topic or event and then link that to the knowledge i have learnt from the books 🙂 i will attach the readings of chapter 3 to 5 from the book Misbehaving and chapters 1 to 4 from Nudge. I will also attach my friend’s presentations and the transcripts so you can read them speaking since i couldn’t screen record the video of them giving the presentation so i can only attach the transcripts. the presentation should be 12 slides it should last a good 20 minutes or 25 minutes of me talking you can also see in their presentation they are only bullet points most of them have written their lengthy explanations explaining their points on the slide are in their speaker notes :). i also uploaded my professor’s class recordings which is transcript, 1,2,3 so you can read his thoughts as those files are him talking about chapters 3 to 5 and 1 to 4. Lastly transcript 6 is the 3 people who presented that day the files i uploaded which are screenshots of my classmate’s presentation that is iris’ presentation.

Here is where you can see all the materials on a google drive:…