Economics homework help

Principle of Investment (Finance- 400)
Pick five stocks and follow them through the course (8/21/2020 to 11/25/2020), paying special attention to news that makes their prices move. (Of course, you can “cheat” and just look at them at the beginning and the end of the course.) But, you will be required to ultimately calculate daily portfolio values and run a CAPM analysis on them. You should pick your stocks within the first week of class, and send me an email telling me which ones you have picked. The stocks must be US stocks, and must trade on either the NYSE or Nasdaq. NYSE stocks are generally denoted by 1-3 letter “ticker” symbols, and Nasdaq by four letter “tickers.”
Remember, the 400 students only have to run a regression and make sure it makes sense.
You will NOT have to interpret your results in a spreadsheet and will NOT submit any written work for the project. So, you will NOT have to discuss your Alpha or Beta, and just need to make sure that your regression results wind up coming in a meaningful way.
You are basically regressing daily portfolio returns on daily S&P 500 (SPY) stock returns. You can find all this information by downloading “Adjusted Prices” from Yahoo! Finance.