Education homework help

ADHD: Delivery of Special Education Services
Est. Time: 1.5 Hours

To examine the issues related to the delivery of special education services to children with
Public school students with ADHD can fall into one of the following three service options: (a)
students who receive no services with placement in the general education classroom; (b)
students who receive services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which can include
accommodations and modifications within the general education classroom; or (c) students
who receive special education services, which can mean support within the general education
classroom or placement within a more restrictive setting. This activity will help clarify the issues
surrounding special education services and students with ADHD.

Questions/Discussion Topics
Use the Internet, textbook, library, or other resources to answer the following questions:
1. How many students with ADHD are currently being served in the United States?
2. Has the number of students identified increased in recent years? If so, what are some of
the reported reasons for that increase?
3. What are the specific behaviors and characteristics of students with ADHD?
4. In what ways do those characteristics make it difficult for students to learn and participate in
5. Will all students with ADHD demonstrate the same characteristics or degree of behavior?
Explain your answers.
6. What professional organizations have supported the legitimacy of ADHD as a disability?
Given the definition of special education as a “specially designed instruction that meets
the unusual needs of an exceptional student,” list the ways in which a student with ADHD
meets the criteria of “exceptional” and what services might be provided to support that

You will provide your answers in a power point presentation. Be sure to be creative and to provide references. Your power point presentation should not exceed 15 slides. This Assignment is apart of your mid-term examine.