>Education homework help




Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two. Analyze their examples and also provide suggestions for additional instructional strategies. Be sure to respond to any queries or comments posted by your instructor.


The reason that I can remember a childhood memory but not what I did yesterday. Sometimes sis because the short term memory has a limited capacity and other information is pushed out “One of the important characteristics of short-term memory is that it is highly limited in capacity. Following various memoryexperiments, Miller (1956)”.

Compare and contrast sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory using school-based examples

1. Sensory Memory is impression or sensation forgotten almost immediately

2. Short-term forgotten within minutes, this includes numbers, rehearsal, words

3. Long-term memory is recalled indefinitely, it is a concept, memory, gained by experience

4. What works best for you when required to commit facts to memory for both the short-term and long-term?

5. To commit facts to memory short term is by rehearsal, to commit facts to memory long-term is by experience.

6. Knowing how memory works, how will this impact your instruction? How will you help students to retain and retrieve the information they need to know? Provide a specific strategy that you would utilize in your classroom to ensure that the content makes a lasting impression and is secured in long-term memory.

This is awesome information to know and so simple but effective. I would use both text book, field trips, live examples, and more hands on learning activities. I personally use this method now with my students( children) we research a new topic, then we expereince it. Example we are learning about dolphins, we are going to read about them, watch educational videos and now currently we are on a trip where we had spent the day in a place where we can spend time in the water with the dolphins learning about them and riding one them. We also follow-up with a craft and maybe sometimes we reenact as if we are dolphins as we talk about them.

Miller, G. A. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63, 81–97.


Compare and contrast sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory using school-based examples.

Sensory memory is when you are in a room full of people but are only listening to one conversation.  You are not listening to the person standing next to you talking.  If it does not pertain to you such as pique your interest or you don’t hear your name in a conversation, then you most likely will not remember the details of the conversation.

Short term memory is when you are paying attention after a discussion has piqued your interest and you are engaged in the conversation with somebody else.  As you are using your short-term memory, you are slowly pushing out the other information that is stored in your short-term memory.  You can hold about seven items of information in the short-term (plus or minus two).  It lasts about a few seconds by a repetitive repeating of information.

Long-term memory is a process of encoding being taken from a situation.  It is an unconscious process that we do without knowing.  You are giving attention to an experience that has happened in your life, you are going to remember it longer than sensory and short-term memory.  We are attaching memories to an image to remember it later.
What works best for you when required to commit facts to memory for both the short-term and long-term?

When I want to remember a number temporarily, I repeat the number until I write it down so that I do not forget it once my short-term memory is done with the information.  When it comes to long-term if I’m reading for school, I tend to read out loud and slow.  There are times that I can skim through a page and know the gist of it, write it down and then I will forget it when I am done writing the paper.  For me to retain the information I need to be articulate and intentional when reading my school-work so that I can remember it later when I need it in a discussion or a quiz.

Knowing how memory works, how will this impact your instruction? How will you help students to retain and retrieve the information they need to know? Provide a specific strategy that you would utilize in your classroom to ensure that the content makes a lasting impression and is secured in long-term memory.

When I am teaching, I am going to elaborate on a specific word or topic to make it stand out to the student.  If ther4e is a text they are reading, I will bold what is important and be upbeat about how I am presenting the information.  I am not going to be monotone because it is not going to catch my student’s attention.  But I will use props and bright pictures and inflect my voice so that I have caught their attention to activate that memory for them.  But on top of it, I will make sure that I am incorporating activities to allow them to get up and experience what I am teaching them so that they can help remember the information with a picture attached to it of them working by their friend’s side doing something specifically pertaining to the unit.  I will also be using chunking to allow for them to be successful by doing a strategy repetitively so that it instills into the students of how to do what we are working on.  Allowing many strategies and techniques to be incorporated is going to be beneficial to your students.

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ research topics.  Respond to at least two of your classmates and provide recommendations on how they might be able to focus their topic. Challenge your classmates by asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate their topic.


TOPIC CHOSEN: Strategies for adapting the classroom to meet the needs of the exceptional student (ex. Autistic, gifted, English Language Learner, etc.)

FINAL QUESTION: What strategies can be utilized to make sure exceptional learners are included in learning and the functionality of the classroom management?


Topic Chosen: The teacher’s role in the diagnosis, treatment, and education of the child with attention deficit hyperactive disorder.

Final Question: What is the teacher’s role in the diagnosis, treatment, and education of a child with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD).

Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Support your initial and subsequent posts by citing at least two scholarly and peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source typ


Week 5 Discussion 1 Forum

According to Martin (2018), social workers’ roles grew significantly in the 1960s and 1970s. The rising positions were due to needing diffuse and resolve contentious times of diversification and integration. Since then, the need for social services in school has proliferated from mental health disorders, nutritional needs and health-related concerns, poverty, neglect and abuse, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, amongst many other serious issues.

The same reasons for needing human service practitioners into schools are the reason for a growing social problem – bullying. Of course, as with most social problems, there is longevity of historical forms of bullying now more complicated and dangerous.

What exactly is bullying?

Bullying is a type of violence among youth defined as unwelcome aggression or hostility by another unrelated person or group. The behavior is often repetitive power imbalance. Bullying scores on the Adverse Childhood Experience Some common types of bullying include physical, verbal, social, property destruction, and electronically (cyberbullying) (1Center for Disease Control, n.d.).

How BIG of a problem is the problem?

Violent acts that disruptive to learning and negatively affect students, schools, and the community describe school violence – it is not a matter of how, but where the violence occurs (2Center for Disease Control, n.d.).

In 2019, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was administered to 13,677 high school students nationwide which concluded the following:

· > 1:12 reported being cyberbullied during the last year

· ~ 1:5 reported being bullied on school property

· ~ Nine percent had skipped because they felt unsafe at or on their way to or from school at least once during the month prior to the survey

· Eight percent had been in a physical fight, and > seven percent were threatened with or injured by a weapon while on school property one or more times during the year before the survey

Workers, Counselors, Psychologists = SUCCESS

It is critical to every aspect of learning that a collaborative cohort of professionals coordinates safety and support to promote best learning practices and proper behavior conducive to learning. To construct a safe and efficient atmosphere to learn, a team is necessary for and out of the classroom setting. Three of the most common professionals in school settings to approach this discipline are social workers, counselors, and psychologists. Each is essential in the lives of students but also differ in multidisciplinary qualifications and expectations. The simplest way to express how to approach any attribute integral to healthy development is to recall the saying about a village – it takes one, if not more, to impact impressionable minds.

Social workers advocate and promote equity in access to the school’s best educational experience in multifaceted situations. Counselors work on teams to promote safe and effective learning environments by delivering cultural services. Psychologists focus on student academic, emotional, and social ideals to foster safe, healthy learning environments, support teachers in variations of learning styles, and a robust connection interlinking school and home (Martin, 2018).


According to Kuehn, Wagner & Velloza (2019), suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth age 12 – 19 globally. An estimated 7.49 per 100,000 deaths of youths in this age range ranks suicide as a public health concern in the U.S., estimating 8.6% of adolescents attempted suicide in 2015 alone, while another 17.7% contemplated suicide. Since 2010, the rates within the U.S. have risen.

Remember the commercial of a pan on a hot burner of a stove? The one where an egg is cracked, then dropped into the pan and begins to sizzle? While this topic is not about drugs, bullying leaves the same scars, or worse. One of the first lessons we teach our children is not to touch the burner because it is hot. As parents, teachers, and human service professionals, we, no matter our education, credentials, or title, need to re-teach this lesson as applicable to bullying. It is not a “kids will be kids” excuse anymore – it is a village effort.

External services recommendations and enforcement

One of the many services implemented primarily in urban schools is security or police and search and seizure tactics. Students must cooperate and are subject to reprimands up to criminal charges if in violation.

Other optimizing services, including linking both instigators and victims to support groups and outreach services. One known organization making an imprint against bullying is stopbullying. The organization provides evidence-based research, resources, advocacy, and education to eradicate bullying (stopbullying.gov, 2019).


1 Center for Disease Control. (n.d). Violence Control: Preventing Bullying. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/bullyingresearch/fastfact.html (Links to an external site.)

2 Center for Disease Control. (n.d). Violence Control: Preventing School Violence. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/schoolviolence/fastfact.html

Kuehn, K. S., Wagner, A., & Velloza, J. (2019). Estimating the magnitude of the relationship between bullying, e-bullying, and suicidal behaviors among United States youth, 2015. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 40(3), 157–165. https://doi.org/10.1027/0227-5910/a000544 (Links to an external site.)

Martin, M. E. (2018). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (4th ed.). Pearson.

Stopbullying.gov. (2019, June 10). Facts about bullyinghttps://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/facts


One psychosocial issue in a school setting that could hinder learning is attention deficit disorder in children. I am familiar with this issue because I work in a school setting with children with difficulties. The clients who have attention deficit disorder often lose focus on what is happening and miss essential information that their teacher was discussing. Depending on their age and their teacher, they are too nervous to ask their teacher for the proper help. Which then result in them receiving poor grades and a continuous decrease in their self-confidence.

Based on my professional experiences, the school social worker, the school counselor, and the school psychologist are all needed to address an attention deficit child’s needs in school. The school counselor is there to help the teachers and the child develop a learning plan and needed accommodations for the child to be successful in school. The school social worker can offer the student ongoing case management that ensures that the child stays connected with outside resources to help with attention deficit disorder. The school social worker could also help the child and the family discover additional resources to assist with the child’s attention deficit disorder. The school psychologist can aid a child with attention deficit disorder by providing counseling services that span beyond learning difficulties, including counseling for depression (Martin, 2018).

According to Martin (2018), the school social worker, psychologist, and counselor should be working together to help assist children who are struggling in the classroom. However, this all depends on how the school is organized. In school, I work as their one school counselor for three schools. This makes it difficult for the counselor to focus on individual students. Which means it is up to the school social worker and psychologist to provide proper care and attention to the students. This can be extremely difficult because almost all the school students need some kind of assistance or support. The students with attention deficit disorder often overlooked the other students how to have more serve behaviors and display those behaviors in the classroom. The past couple of years, as a team, we have been working to be more aware of the students that are in a “background” and to assure that they are receiving assistance. Moving forward, there needs to be more supports in schools to help social workers, psychologists, and counselors, depending on the district’s size. There are over 800 students in the school I am located in, and to have only two to three people looking out for the students is a lot. There needs to be more supports and conversations about how schools are assuring that all students are being checked on.


Martin, M.E. (2018). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.