Engineering homework

Task 2: Describe in your own words (around ~400 words) in what ways an
Operating System impacts the proper functioning of a computer.     3.0
Task 3: You have been given the responsibility to set up an office
environment composed of 15 computers and install appropriate operating
systems in those. However, you have also been advised to keep the
sourcing cost of these OS to as minimum as possible; at the same time,
ensuring user experience is reasonably good and the users, who are mostly
non-technical, should be able to navigate the systems rather easily. It’s an
accounting farm and they will only use the computers for regular
accounting related activities, emailing, and a bit of spreadsheet and
Write down in your word out of Windows, Linux and MacOS, which one will
you recommend for the setup of the computers and why; it could also be a
mixed system. State your reasons clearly for your choice.       3.0
All of the above three tasks need to be completed and submission should be
done in PDF format.