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I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Counseling via Internet a good idea. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Counseling via Internet a Good Idea? Counseling is the utilization of psychological well-being, mental, or human advancement standards, through psychological, affective, behavioral or systemic interventon techniques, that address health, self-awareness, or profession advancement, and in addition pathology. Contingent upon the needs of the customer and the accessibility of administrations, counseling may extend from a couple brief connections within a short time of time, to various cooperations more than an augmented period of time. The conveyance of innovation helped distance counseling keeps on growing and developing. The quick advancement and utilization of the Internet to convey data and foster correspondence has brought about the making of new types of counseling (“The practice of Internet counseling”). Nowadays there is a variety of tools that enable to conduct counseling through the technology advancement – though the telephone or Internet. There are many ethical issues that Internet counseling raise. First of all, confidentiality is one of the core principles in counseling. Is there a guarantee for the client that all the messages remain confidential? Psychological diagnostics may be not so effective as live communication nd counseling. Another issue is that Internet counselor has to be competent and licensed anyway – how frequently Internet counselor is eligible to work with the clients? How can the client to be sure the name corresponds the real person who is the counselor (Hughes, 2000)? In my opinion, counseling practice conducted through the Internet is possible, still I would prefer traditional way to do it. First of all, real presence of another human being heals. It is better for the client to receive an actual help. I believe professional would manage to do online-counseling as well. Yet all the ethical and professional questions have to be satisfied.ReferencesHughes, R. S. (2000).&nbsp.Ethics and Regulations of Cybercounseling. ERIC/CASS Digest.&nbsp.Greensboro, NC: ERIC Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse. (ERIC ED446326), Retrieved from The practice of Internet counseling .&nbsp.National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc.&nbsp., Retrieved from