Engineering homework help

Write 8 page essay on the topic Diversity in a Global Environment.Further, understanding one’s own preconceptions and developing strategies to overcome these in a management setting, are vital to becoming effective in such environments. Hence this paper focuses on a personal reflection of my own early influences, and how these may have formed in me certain preconceptions and prejudices.Recognizing and acknowledging such ways of thinking will enable me to strategize and thus overcome any prejudice, and enable me to work toward a management style which embraces diversity, to be able to contribute effectively to any multicultural team in business.The diversity of the modern world is perhaps fairly well-illustrated in my personal circumstances. I am an Indian national, studying in the United States, hoping to pursue a career in management. It is very likely, also, that my career will not be restricted to either my home country, or even the country in which I am furthering my education: rather, it is probable that I will travel to many countries during my career, and interact with many nationalities, cultures and social groups.Any aspiring businessperson today is likely to have to embrace the diverse nature of business in a global economy in order to reach full potential. Since my aspirations are to be active in a global business environment, and to succeed in that environment, I will also have to become such a person.In business, it is necessary to understand and appreciate cultural influences, languages and terminologies. This is true if a product or service is to be sold to a particular group of people, or if an identifiable group – identifiable by its racial, language, cultural, even religious or gender characteristics. And it is true also if such a group, or groups, are to be managed in a workplace. In both situations, success can be determined by the ability to avoid being discriminatory, or avoid communicating the wrong messages. My feeling is that a company should create a work