Engineering Homework Help

ISOL 632 Academy of Computer Education Mouths to Feed Company Plans Paper


I’m working on a engineering project and need guidance to help me study.

You will choose a company (real or fictitious) to create 4 of the 6 plans below for:

It will include a:

Title page

Introduction page (What company and why they need these plans).

Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP)

Critical Information Restoration Plan (CIRP)

Business Incident Response Plan (BIP)

Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP)

Critical Incident Protection (CIP)

Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)


References page


1. APA Format 7th edition

2. No plagiarism

3. 10 pages (excluding cover page and reference page)

follow the sequence

1. Cover page

2. 4 pages for the 4 topics

3. Summary

4. References page with at least 5 references.

4. Textbook attached for reference