Engineering Homework Help

ACE Information Governance Hilton Hotel Regulatory Compliance & OSHA Report


Chapter Eight (8): Information Governance and Legal Functions: According to the authors, Smallwood, Kahn, and Murphy, Information Governance is perhaps one of the functional areas that impact legal functions most. Failure to meet them could be literally put an organization out of business or land executives in prison. Privacy, security, records management, information technology (IT), and business management functions are very important. However, the most significant aspect of all of these functions relates to legality and regulatory compliance from a critical perspective.

For this discussion, identify the hotel industry you will be writing about and

Q1) discuss the regulatory compliance requirements that the company has to meet and the corresponding security, privacy, and records management functions that would need to be enabled for that organization. Remember to cite your sources.


1. APA Format 7th edition

2. No plagiarism

3. Word count -1500 words

4. Textbook attached

5. Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

6. Provide extensive additional information on the topic

7. Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

8. Share an applicable personal experience

9. Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the google scholarly article) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)

10.Make an argument concerning the topic.