Engineering Homework Help

CVEN 30010 Harvard University Calculate Permeability Civil Engineering Questions


1. Solve the permeability of the L2 @ Borehole 5 using the falling head test method

2. Calculate the permeability (k) for L1, L2, L4, L5 @ Borehole 5 and show the calculation steps.

3. Provide suggestions in terms of soil type for each layer (L1, L2, L4, and L5) in BH5.

– The question says “You are asked to adopt proper method based on the data provided to estimate the coefficients of permeability for each soil layer”.- In my understanding, as long as we can find an approach to validate the permeability (k) at L4 is equal to 1.2 *10^-4 m/s and the estimated permeability for L2 is similar to 8.26*10^-9 m/s, then this validation method should be applicable and feasible for other layers.I am still looking for the proper method.