Engineering homework help
It is now five years from when you graduated. You have, like most of your peers, been appointed to a management position in your organization (whether governmental, private industry, or NGO). Write a one-page op-ed for your local newspaper talking about what you wish you’d learned in university, and offering a few ideas about what your professors could have taught you that would have been more useful. No references required for this paper.
Well researched and shows command of topic and includes discussion about ESEM principles covered in course; Strong topic sentence.
Is within range of 375 to 425 words with 1.5 line spacing; It is not hard to interpret the meaning of statements because of poor grammar; Has been proof read and does not have distracting typos and misspellings; Paper has both APA format in-text and bibliographic citations, and at least 1 reference that add depth to the content and analysis (i.e. do not source the dictionary).