Engineering homework help

Answer /discuss the following 15 questions. Your answers should have detailed explanations. Topics: Time & frequency domain, AM, FM and PM modulation, Noise in FM, Transmitters, Topologies, SSAM transmitter, Power measurements, Receiver topology, Demodulation and Receiver variations.
1) Electronic receivers come in a few topologies. Which receiver is almost universally used?
2) What do RF, IF, TRF, AGC, and PLL stand for?
3) A “Limiter” is used in FM (Frequency Modulation) circuit. What does this limiter do to an FM signal?
4) What are the two important specifications which are fundamental to all receivers?
5) What is IF (Intermediate Frequency) in a superheterodyne receiver?
6) What load impedance is a practical transmitter usually designed to drive? Why?
7) What is a “Dummy Load” in signal transmitters?
8) In single-sideband AM transmitters, how the un-wanted sidebands are suppressed?
9) Is this a correct statement ” With mixing the carrier frequency can be lowered”?
10) What causes the slow response of a receiver to a received weak signal?
11) What does a common amplitude modulation detector do?
12) What is an image frequency in a superheterodyne receiver?
13) Why must an image frequency be rejected prior to mixing?
14) What does AFC stand for and what is its function?
15) What circuits are included in the “front end” of a receiver?