
Links to videos: Douglas Tomkins. A Wild Legacy (15 min.) https://vimeo.com/172053488 Who we are Tomkins Conservation ( 2 min. promotional video) http://www.tompkinsconservation.org/who_we_are.htm Rewilding Ibera (27 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn4W5Ntoa78 Conserving Iberá (10 min.) vimeo https://vimeo.com/367649669READ Igoe, Neves, and Brockington – this is key to help you maintain a critical distance toward the films – the assigned text!WATCH THE FILMS. Which elements of the conversation foundation narrative that the authors identify can you see in the Tomkins foundation film shorts? Who are the individuals and organizations listed in the credits that financed the films? They are not all made by the same people – how similar and how different are they from one another? How do the films frame the parks – think of the shots used as opposed to the “trails for all” narrative, put forward in one of them? How do these shorts characterize the problem and what solutions do these films champion? Who can travel? Along with the article assigned this week, keep in mind all the critical thinking on the links between capitalism, colonialism, dispossession and ruinnation that we have studied already.RESEARCH please go online and find out how much it would cost to visit and stay at one of the parks mentioned for 3 nights or so, traveling from LAX. Take a look at the Patagon Journal online and briefly compare the stories, advertisements, etc. with the short films.Final thoughts – As travel under COVID will likely remain restricted for several years, and as the economy is facing a huge crisis that will affect people’s income in the long run, do you think these parks will be able to sustain themselves?