English homework help

Part 1
prepare a 12-15 narrated presentation on the flawed response to the 1992 L.A. Riots
The narrated presentation should include the following:

  • A brief overview of the crisis
  • A critique of the relationships between the various agencies involved (LAPD, LA Sheriff’s Dept, CHP, and the National Guard)
  • A critique of the various leadership characteristics displayed during the crisis
  • Compare and contrast the leadership of CHP versus that of the LAPD
  • Make recommendations on how the crisis could have been better managed from a leadership perspective
  • Please feel free to use outside resources as part of your research (make sure you properly cite your sources)

Harvard Kennedy School – The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots (course material)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpsInY8pHxE&feature=youtu.be  ·

Part 2
Conduct an in-depth leadership analysis of a critical (crisis) incident or event and prepare an 8-10 page research paper outlining his or her findings (Ferguson Riots, Baltimore Riots, Hurricane Katrina, etc.).
The paper should focus on the following:

  • An overview of the critical incident
  • Identify the various stages of the crisis (pre-crisis, acute, chronic and crisis resolution)
  • A critique of the leadership during the various stages of the crisis
  • A critique of communications during the event
  • Provide recommendations on how the crisis could have been minimized or restored more quickly
  • The paper must be in APA format and the student must cite a minimum of (5) academic sources.

(8-10) pages – does not include the title of reference page